When I saw you buying Cosmo and a hot rod magazine,
I said to myself 'Now there's a girl for me.'
And when I asked you to go for a ride,
you stole my heart when you said, "If I can drive."
I said, "How 'bout some music'"
you said, "You got any Merle'"
That's when I knew you were my kind of girl.
You march to the beat of a different drum,
the funny thing is that I hear the same one.
We both like to color outside of the lines.
We're peas in a pod, girl we're two of a kind.
You march to the beat of a different drum,
the funny thing is that I hear the same one.
We both like to color outside of the lines.
We're peas in a pod, girl we're two of a kind.
I said, "I think I love you,"
you said, "What's not to love'"
I thoguht about a kiss, but I wasn't quick enough.
I guess while I was htiking you were reading my mind,
'cause you wrapped your arms around me
and you pressed your lips to mine.
You set my head spinning just like a tilt-a-whirl,
that's when I knew you were my kind of girl.
You set my head a-spinnin' just like a tilt-a-whirl,
that's when I knew you were my kind of girl.