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One in Christ: Hymns of the Month
Artist: Concordia Publishing House- Gr. 3 - O Jesus, King Most Wonderful
- Gr. 4 - Beautiful Savior
- Gr. 5 - Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus
- Gr. 6 - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
- Gr. 7 - Christ Be My Leader
- Gr. 8 - Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us
- Gr. 3 - O Jesus, King Most Wondeful (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 4 - Beautiful Savior (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 5 - Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 6 - What a Friend We Have in Jesus (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 7 - Christ Be My Leader (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 8 - Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 3 - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- Gr. 4 - Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us
- Gr. 5 - My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
- Gr. 6 - Thy Strong Word
- Gr. 7 - How Firm a Foundation
- Gr. 8 - Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower
- Gr. 3 - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 4 - Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 5 - My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 6 - Thy Strong Word (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 7 - How Firm a Foundation (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 8 - Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 3 - O God, Our Help in Ages Past
- Gr. 4 - How Great Thou Art
- Gr. 5 - Children of the Heavenly Father
- Gr. 6 - God of Grace and God of Glory
- Gr. 7 - O God, My Faithful God
- Gr. 8 - Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
- Gr. 3 - O God, Our Help in Ages Past (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 4 - How Great Thou Art (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 5 - Children of the Heavenly Father (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 6 - God of Grace and God of Glory (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 7 - O God, My Faithful God (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 8 - Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 3 - Have No Fear, Little Flock
- Gr. 4 - My Faith Looks Up to Thee
- Gr. 5 - Amazing Grace
- Gr. 6 - The King of Love My Shepherd Is
- Gr. 7 - Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise
- Gr. 8 - Son of God, Eternal Savior
- Gr. 3 - Have No Fear, Little Flock (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 4 - My Faith Looks Up to Thee (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 5 - Amazing Grace (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 6 - The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 7 - Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 8 - Son of God, Eternal Savior (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 3 - The Lord
- Gr. 4 - Speak, O Lord, Your Servant Listens
- Gr. 5 - Listen, God Is Calling
- Gr. 6 - Take My Life and Let It Be
- Gr. 7 - Jesus Sinners Doth Receive
- Gr. 8 - O Word of God Incarnate
- Gr. 4 - Speak, O Lord, Your Servant Listens (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 5 - Listen, God Is Calling (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 6 - Take My Life and Let It Be (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 7 - Jesus Sinners Doth Receive (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 8 - O Word of God Incarnate (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 3 - Chief of Sinners Though I Be
- Gr. 4 - Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness
- Gr. 5 - Abide, O Dearest Jesus
- Gr. 6 - By Grace I
- Gr. 7 - Through Jesus
- Gr. 8 - All Who Believe and Are Baptized
- Gr. 3 - Chief of Sinners Though I Be (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 4 - Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 5 - Abide, O Dearest Jesus (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 8 - All Who Believe and Are Baptized (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 3 - We Give Thee But Thine Own
- Gr. 4 - Just As I Am, without One Plea
- Gr. 5 - I Lay My Sins on Jesus
- Gr. 6 - Crown Him with Many Crowns
- Gr. 7 - Today Your Mercy Calls Us
- Gr. 8 - Abide with Me
- Gr. 3 - We Give Thee But Thine Own (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 4 - Just As I Am, without One Plea (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 5 - I Lay My Sins on Jesus (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 6 - Crown Him with Many Crowns (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 7 - Today Your Mercy Calls Us (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 8 - Abide With Me (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 3 - Father Welcomes
- Gr. 4 - Lift High the Cross
- Gr. 5 - In Thee Is Gladness
- Gr. 6 - Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
- Gr. 7 - Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
- Gr. 8 - Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices
- Gr. 3 - Father Welcomes (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 4 - Lift High the Cross (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 5 - In Thee Is Gladness (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 6 - Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 7 - Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 8 - Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 3 - From All That Dwell Below the Skies
- Gr. 4 - I Am Trusting You, Lord Jesus
- Gr. 5 - All Hail the Power of Jesus
- Gr. 6 - Thine Forever, God of Love
- Gr. 7 - Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying
- Gr. 8 - Sent Forth by God
- Gr. 3 - From All That Dwell Below the Skies (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 4 - I Am Trusting You, Lord Jesus (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 6 - Thine Forever, God of Love (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 7 - Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 3 - O Sing to the Lord
- Gr. 4 - Christ Is Risen, Christ Is Living
- Gr. 5 - Our Father Who Art in Heaven
- Gr. 6 - Amazing Grace
- Gr. 7 - O Gracious Lord, I Firmly Am Believing
- Gr. 8 - Holy Spirit, the Dove Sent from Heaven
- Gr. 3 - O Sing to the Lord (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 4 - Christ Is Risen, Christ Is Living (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 5 - Our Father Who Art in Heaven (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 6 - Amazing Grace (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 7 - O Gracious Lord, I Firmly Am Believing (Accompaniment Only)
- Gr. 8 - Holy Spirit, the Dove Sent from Heaven (Accompaniment Only)