"Our Eyes Look to the Lord"
by Concordia Publishing HouseAlbum: The Concordia Singer's Library-Choral II
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The Concordia Singer's Library-Choral II
Artist: Concordia Publishing House- Someone Special
- Now Thank We All Our God
- Our Eyes Look to the Lord
- Magnificat and Nunc Dimitis
- The Concordia Psalter - Psalm 23
- The Concordia Psalter - Psalm 27
- Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light
- God is Holy and Exalted
- Praise Ye the Lord
- The Day Is Surely Drawing Near
- Psalm Partners - Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
- Psalm Partners - Jesus, I Will Ponder Now
- Peace Came to Earth
- Come Hear the Word
- Psalm 8
- Make Joyful Music
- O Savior of Our Fallen Race
- Hosanna!
- Jesus Christ is Risen Today: A Grand Easter Hymn
- A Feast Prepared: A Requiem