"This Is the Feast of Victory: A Festival Setting"
by Concordia Publishing HouseAlbum: CPH Choral 2014
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CPH Choral 2014
Artist: Concordia Publishing House- O Day Full of Grace
- As Your Coming Was in Peace
- Stir Up Your Power, O Lord from Four Advent Collects (Advent 1)
- Stir Up Our Hearts, O Lord from Four Advent Collects (Advent 2)
- Lord Jesus Christ, We Implore You from Four Advent Collects (Advent 3)
- Stir Up Your Power, O Lord from Four Advent Collects (Advent 4)
- We Praise You, Jesus, at Your Birth
- Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
- Let Our Gladness Have No End
- From Shepherding of Stars
- The Lord at First Did Adam Make
- Go to Dark Gethsemane
- A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth
- Ride On, Ride On in Majesty
- Jesus, Sun of Life, My Splendor
- Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow
- This Is the Feast of Victory: A Festival Setting
- Now the Green Blade Riseth
- Thee We Adore, Eternal Lord
- In Thee Is Gladness