Album Tracks
Artist: D.Wilks
  1. Believer
  2. Rescue Me
Song Lyrics

"Rescue Me"

by D.Wilks
Album: Believer

What will you say,
When his glory comes down in a cloud to rest in the room,

What will you say,
When the atmosphere shifts and the yokes destroyed off of you,

What will you say,
When the pain suddenly leaves and now you can live in love again,

What will you say,
When your tears turn into joy, and all your doubts become amens,

I'm so glad you came to rescue me 3x

I'm so glad

What will you say,
When the lame begins to walk all because you choose to lay your hand,

And what will you say,
When the blind begins to see and the deaf begins to hear again,

What will you say,
When your home was gone for close because the banks would not extend,

But then the lord move the heart of man,
And now your home belongs to you again,

Everybody say I'm so glad you came to rescue me,

I'm so glad you came to rescue me
You came too rescue me,

You came to rescue me,
Came to set me free,
To deliver me
You did it all for me

To deliver me,
You did it all for me

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Album Artwork
Album Tracks
Artist: D.Wilks
  1. Believer
  2. Rescue Me
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