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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora
Artist: daigoro789- Title Screen (From
- Title Theme (From
- Opening (From
- Majora
- Clock Tower (From
- Clock Town, First Day (From
- Mayor
- Milk Bar (From
- Song Of Storms (From
- Guru-Guru
- Clock Town, Second Day (From
- Shop (From
- Clock Town, Third Day (From
- Shooting Gallery (From
- Rosa Sisters (From
- Mini Game (From
- Last Day (From
- Astral Observatory (From
- Princess Zelda
- Zelda
- Song Of Healing (From
- Song of Healing: Piano Fantasy Version (From
- Ocarina
- Termina Field (From
- Owl (From
- Southern Swamp (From
- Magic Hag
- Woods of Mystery (From
- Boat Cruise (From
- Deku Palace (From
- Sonata of Awakening (From
- Song of Soaring / Oath to Order (From
- Middle Boss Battle (From
- Horse Race (From
- Goron Lullaby (From
- Boss Battle (From
- Goron Race (From
- Romani Ranch (From
- Bremen March (From
- Ghost Attack (From
- Cremia
- Pirates
- Piano Practice (From
- New Wave Bossa Nova (From
- The Indigo-Go
- Ikana Valley (From
- Sharp
- Music Box House (From
- Elegy of Emptiness (From
- Stone Tower Temple (From
- Calling the Four Giants (From
- Tatl and Tael (From
- The End/Credits (From