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Ballads of the Exodus (Original Motion Picture Sou
Artist: Dalton Thomas, Anna Thomas, and Pawel Bzim Zarecki- Vehi Sheamda
- On Jordan
- Father and Son
- Desert Expedition
- The Bar
- Tomorrow
- Hurdy Gurdy Fireside
- Mother and Son
- Toward the Red Sea
- Into the Sea
- Between Life and Death
- Goshen
- Riverbanks of the Citadel
- Born into a Story
- My Two Mothers
- Adulthood in Egypt
- Who Am I?
- Chosen for What?
- Taking a Stand
- The Killing
- Darkness Descends
- On the Run
- Hunted
- Alone Now
- Ocean of Fire and Sand
- Alone Again
- Around the Red Sea
- Arrival to Arabia
- The Well
- Jethro and His Daughter
- Wedding
- Desert Girl
- The Passing of Years
- The Tomb of Pharaoh
- Tyrant Rising
- Evening on Mount Sinai
- Hineni
- The Sands of Time (Intermission)
- Return to Egypt
- Bridegroom of Blood
- Cleansing
- My Brother
- Into the Belly of the Beast
- Pharaoh, Let My People Go
- Memories Collide
- The First Plague
- The Taste of Blood
- Night of Nights
- The Final Plague
- Blood of the Lamb
- Death of the Firstborn
- Tyrant Breaking
- Pillar of Fire
- The Final Hardening
- Muster the Army
- Jah Will Do the Fighting
- The End of the Road
- Finally Free
- Drowning
- Not Afraid
- Thirst
- Split Rock of Ages
- My Memories
- Girl, Don
- Return to Mount Sinai
- O Israel, What Will We Be?
- My Last Breath
- It Won
- Coda