Distance and direction,
Resistance and dissection,
Assistance and perfection,
Insistence and inspection,
Two of me, two of you, two of us, two by two
The double life we live,
Distance and direction runs straight ahead to your better world,
To your better world.
We're putting on our make-up, but we never make up,
We're the beauty and the beast, we're dead men telling tales, sleeping through our wake-up,
Two of me, two of you, two of us, two by two
The double life we live,
Distance and direction runs straight ahead to your better world.
Who are you' What are you now'
Don't let (this false god) it take you down.
Distance and direction,
Resistance and dissection,
Assistance and perfection,
Insistence and inspection,
Two of me, two of you, two of us, two by two
The double life we live,
Distance and direction runs straight ahead to your better world,
To your better world,
Your better world,