Where there are no things there is no time,
I see space existing only where there are things.
But we find ourselves here,
It's the right time for love,
In this divine instant we are time standing still.
Had nothing passed there would be no past time,
If nothing existed there would be no future.
Yes, we found ourselves there,
Felt enduring desire,
In that divine instant, heard eternity whisper.
I hear the clock on the wall,
I see the skull beneath the skin.
We find ourselves here,
It's the right time for love,
In this divine instant we're time standing still.
Can't fight this will to live and love, to always need you, die in your arms.
Yes, we found ourselves there,
Felt enduring desire,
In that divine instant, heard eternity whisper.
Well, we find ourselves here,
It's the right time for love,
In this divine instant we are time standing still.
Time standing still,
Time standing still,
Time standing still,