"Introduction To The Alarma Chronicles Part 1 Alarma"
by Daniel Amos (D?)Album: The Alarma Chronicles Book Set - Disc 1
The Alarma Chronicles: Volume 1.
For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers, or rulers, or authorities. All things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Was it all a dream' It seems like it now. I looked up and thought I saw words etched in the black sky with fading streaks of lightning-like light: 'What is man that thou are mindful of him'' Then nothing stirred except for a single luminous star that moved gently across the heavens and came to rest over the sleeping village below me. In that moment I knew that God had to be mindful of man and that the question was now being asked by a voice as still and as small as the village below could not have been made up in my own mind. It was from outside of me, infinitely greater than I was. 'Who is on the throne' ' the voice asked. I could not answer. I was paralysed with fear, but an answer came: The King of kings and Lord of lords. It was then that I first heard the shrill cry of an alarm, enveloping and insistent.

The Alarma Chronicles Book Set - Disc 1
Artist: Daniel Amos (D?)- Introduction To The Alarma Chronicles Part 1 Alarma
- Central Theme
- Alarma
- Big Time Big Deal
- Props
- My Room
- Faces To The Window
- Cloak Dagger
- Coloured By
- C D Reprise
- Through The Speakers
- Hit Them
- Baby Game
- Shedding The Mortal Coil
- Endless Summer
- Walls Of Doubt
- Ghost Of The Heart