Jesus You're alive
You are alive
You are the Risen One
Jesus You're alive
You are the life and resurrection
Jesus You're alive
You are alive
You are the Risen One
Jesus You're alive
You are the life and resurrection
Oh oh oh
And I live to worship
I live to worship You
I give my all to You
I give my all to You
You gave Your best for me
And I live to testify
I live because You died
I give my all to You
I give my all to You
You gave Your best for me
There's no one like You Jesus
There's no one like You Jesus
Jesus You're the only One I want
You're all I'm living for
Jesus You are holy
All the glory is forever Yours
Oh oh oh
I live to worship
I live to worship You
I give my all to You
I give my all to You
You gave Your best for me
And I live to testify
I live because You died
I give my all to You
I give my all to You
You gave Your best for me
There's no one like You Jesus
There's no one like You Jesus
There's no one
There's no one
There's no one like You Jesus
There's no one
There's no one
There's no one like You Jesus
There's no one
There's no one
There's no one like You Jesus
There's no one
There's no one
There's no one like You Jesus
I live to worship
I live to worship You
I give my all to You
I give my all to You
You gave Your best for me
And I live to testify
I live because You died
I give my all to You
I give my all to You
You gave Your best for me
There's no one like You Jesus
There's no one like You Jesus
Music Video

Revealing Jesus
Artist: Darlene Zschech- God Is Here Live
- God Is Here [Live]
- God Is Here - Live
- Best For Me Live
- Best For Me [Live]
- Best For Me - Live
- All That We Are Live
- All That We Are [Live]
- All That We Are - Live
- In Jesus Name
- In Jesus' Name [Live]
- In Jesus' Name - Live
- Your Presence Is Heaven Live
- Your Presence Is Heaven [Live]
- Your Presence Is Heaven - Live
- Victor s Crown
- Victor's Crown [Live]
- Victor's Crown - Live
- Yours Forever
- Yours Forever ft Kari Jobe Live
- Yours Forever (feat. Kari Jobe) [Live]
- Yours Forever - Live
- Magnificent Live
- Magnificent [Live]
- Magnificent - Live
- My Jesus I Love Thee I Love You Jesus
- My Jesus I Love Thee I Love You Jesus Live
- My Jesus I Love Thee (I Love You Jesus) [Live]
- My Jesus I Love Thee (I Love You Jesus) - Live
- Your Name Cry Of The Broken
- Your Name Cry Of The Broken Live
- Your Name / Cry of the Broken [Live]
- Your Name / Cry of the Broken - Live
- I Am Yours ft Michael W Smith Live
- I Am Yours (feat. Michael W. Smith) [Live]
- I Am Yours - Live
- Jesus At The Center [Live]
- Jesus At The Center - Live
- God Is Here Live Video
- Victor s Crown Live Video
- God is here
- Best For Me
- All That We Are
- In Jesus' Name
- Your Presence Is Heaven
- Victor's Crown
- Yours Forever (You Took The Nails)
- Magnificent
- My Jesus I Love Thee (I Love You Jesus)
- Your Name / Cry Of The Broken
- I Am Yours
- Jesus At The Center