Hallelujah, we are on our way
Hallelujah, we are on our way to God
From Egypt lately come
Where death and darkness reign to seek our new
Our better home where we our rest shall gain
There sin and sorrow cease and every conflict's o'er
There we shall dwell in endless peace and never hunger more
Jerusalem, our happy home
Would God I were in Thee
Would God my woes were at an end
Thy joy that I might see
We soon shall join the throng
Their pleasures we shall share
And sing the everlasting song
With all the ransomed there
There in celestial strains enraptured myriads sing
There love in every bosom reigns for God Himself is King

A Collision
Artist: David Crowder*Band- The Story Of Marty Stuart And The Rather Understated Jacket Expanded Edition
- Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven A Walk Down Stairs
- Come and Listen
- Here is Our King
- Wholly Yours
- Foreverandever Etc
- A Quiet Interlude
- A Beautiful Collision
- Soon I Will Be Done With the Troubles of the World
- Be Lifted or Hope Rising
- I Saw the Light
- O God Where are You Now In Pickerel Lake Pigeon Marquette Mackinaw
- B Quiet Interlude
- Do Not Move
- Come Awake
- You Are My Joy
- Our Happy Home
- Repeat Return or When the Seventh Angel Sounded His Trumpet and There Were Loud Voices in Heaven Whi
- We Win
- Rescue is Coming B Walk Down Stairs
- A Conversation
- The Lark Ascending or Perhaps More Accurately I m Tryng to Make You Sing