"Psalm 134: Behold, Bless the Lord"
by David R. ErbAlbum: Cantica Sanctorum: A Collection of Psalms, Hymns
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Cantica Sanctorum: A Collection of Psalms, Hymns
Artist: David R. Erb- Psalm 1: Blessed Is the Man
- Psalm 3: Lord, How They Have Increased Who Trouble Me!
- Psalm 6: O Lord, Do Not Rebuke Me in Your Anger
- Psalm 8: O Lord, Our Lord
- Psalm 11: In the Lord I Put My Trust
- Psalm 12: Help, Lord
- Psalm 13: How Long, O Lord?
- Psalm 14: The Fool Hath Said in His Heart
- Psalm 15: Lord, Who May Abide in Your Tabernacle
- Psalm 19: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
- Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd
- Psalm 24: The Earth Is the Lord's
- Psalm 29: Give Unto the Lord
- Psalm 43: Vindicate Me, O God
- Psalm 46: God Is Our Refuge and Strength
- Psalm 47: Oh, Clap Your Hands
- Psalm 53: The Fool Hath Said in His Heart
- Psalm 54: Save Me, O God
- Psalm 61: Hear My Cry, O God
- Psalm 63: O God, You Are My God
- Psalm 67: God Be Merciful to Us and Bless Us
- Psalm 70: Make Haste, O God, To Deliver Me!
- Psalm 82: God Stands in the Congregation of the Mighty
- Psalm 87: His Foundation Is in the Holy Mountains
- Psalm 93: The Lord Reigns
- Psalm 100: Make a Joyful Shout to the Lord
- Psalm 111: Praise the Lord!
- Psalm 112: Praise the Lord!
- Psalm 113: Praise the Lord!
- Psalm 114: When Israel Went out of Egypt
- Psalm 117: Praise the Lord, All Ye Nations
- Psalm 120: In My Distress I Cried to the Lord
- Psalm 121: I Will Lift up My Eyes to the Hills
- Psalm 122: I Was Glad
- Psalm 123: Unto You I Lift up My Eyes
- Psalm 124: If It Had Not Been the Lord Who Was on Our Side
- Psalm 125: Those Who Trust in the Lord
- Psalm 126: When the Lord Brought Back the Captivity of Zion
- Psalm 127: Except the Lord Build the House
- Psalm 128: Blessed Is Ev'ry One Who Fears the Lord
- Psalm 129: Many a Time They Have Afflicted Me from My Youth
- Psalm 130: Out of the Depths
- Psalm 131: Lord, My Heart Is Not Haughty
- Psalm 132: Lord, Remember David
- Psalm 133: Behold, How Good and How Pleasant It Is
- Psalm 134: Behold, Bless the Lord
- Psalm 137: By the Rivers of Babylon
- Psalm 148: Praise the Lord!
- Psalm 149: Praise the Lord!
- Psalm 150: Praise the Lord!