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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Vienna Spice
Artist: Debra Huddleston- It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
- Sing We Now Of Christmas
- God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
- Carol Medley: The Coventry Carol/carol Of The Bells
- Still Still Still
- Swiss Noel/the First Noel
- Now Tell Us, Gentle Mary/mary Did You Know?
- Celtic Cradle Song (baloo Lammy)/away In A Manger
- Fum, Fum, Fum
- O Holy Night
- He Is Born/how Great Our Joy
- Les Pifferari (the Italian Pipers)/gesu Bambino
- Silent Night
- We Three Kings
- English Carol Medley (here We Come A-wassailing, The Holly And The Ivy, I Saw Three Ships)
- Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy (from The Nutcracker Suite)
- The Father