Deitrick:Romans Chapter 8 and verse Chapter 8 and 18 says for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy To be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Deitrick: I asked myself how did you do it you made such a sacrifice and the ones that he loved wanted him crucified oh oh he knew that his friends would betray him he knew that his blood would be shed.Could have done someone else in his place but instead he said Amen
Chorus A-men A-men A-men A-men
Deitrick: So I looked at my test and trials they can't compare his pain and if he can go through it surely I can do the same Oh Lord, I bless you for all of the bad and I bless you for all of the good and The place were I stand you have already stood ooh
Chorus Amen 8 times
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh oh Oh etc
Amen Amen Amen etc

Artist: Deitrick Haddon- 7 Ds Intro
- 7-Ds Intro
- 7 Ds
- 7-Ds
- 7-Ds (feat. BJ)
- God Is Good
- U N I T Y
- U.N.I.T.Y.
- Had Not Been
- Had Not Been (feat. Rance Allen)
- It s Over Now
- It
- It's Over Now
- God Didn t Give Up
- God Didn
- God Didn't Give Up
- What Love
- What Love?
- You Have A Friend
- Amen
- Amen (feat. WWiC M.V.P. Youth Choir)
- Don t Wanna Let You Go
- Don
- Don't Wanna Let You Go
- Crossroads Interlude
- Crossroads (Interlude)
- Crossroads - Interlude
- Crossroads
- Crossroads (feat. Lady Life)
- Everytime
- Won t Stop Praying
- Won
- Won't Stop Praying
- Trusting God
- Stir The Gift
- Prayer Changes Things
- Happy
- Walls Are Tumbling
- Walls Are Tumbling (feat. Pastor Paula White)