Slaves to the power of sin,
Once in captivity to darkness, spiritually dead,
A voice cries from the top of the hill: "It is finished,"
It awakened those who were once dead, but now we live.
For us, now we live a new life in freedom,
Not being enslaved by the power of any,
Jesus' blood has made us free, but the battle still remains,
We contend not with the flesh and blood, but with spiritual darkness.
For this we wage war, but not against man,
This war is with darkness and not against flesh and blood,
For this we wage war, but not against man,
This war is with darkness and not against flesh and blood.
The holy book makes it clear as to how we ought to fight,
Put on the armour of God, not by your might,
Pray always, with all supplication in the Spirit,
To the pulling down of strongholds and crushing of Satan's plan.
For this we wage war, but not against man,
This war is with darkness and not against flesh and blood,
For this we wage war, but not against man,
This war is with darkness and not against flesh and blood,
For this we wage war, but not against man,
This war is with darkness,
Flesh and blood.
This war is not for wimps, the emaciated, or the weak,
It's for those who bear their cross and believe the power of Jesus' name,
Christianity, a reality, is a fight to let you know about a man who gave his flesh and blood to save your Hell-bound soul.