Another crash, another fall, another failure
Another choice I don't want to remember
Been here too many times
Every day's another fight
I'm at war with the person I could be
Give me a chance and I'll mess up a good thing (Romans 7:14-24)
But this is where it ends
Yeah this is where it ends
This is where I draw the line
This is where the old me dies (Romans 6:12-14)
Light a match, let it burn, kiss it goodbye
Giving up, what I was, this is where I draw the line (Romans 6:6)
Another battle I lost fighting solo (John 15:5)
How many times must I learn what I already know
Can't do this on my own
Wasn't meant to fight alone (Philippians 4:13; Romans 8:9-14)
So I'm lifting my hands in surrender (Matthew 16:24-25)
Take my faults and my flaws, make me better
'Cause this is where I end
Right where You begin (John 3:30)
Set me on fire
Set me on fire (Luke 3:16)
Burn me up, burn me up, burn me all the way
till there's nothing left but You (Hebrews 12:29)
Burn me up, burn me up, burn me all the way
till there's nothing left but You (Malachi 3:2-3)
Set me on fire (1 Peter 1:7)
Romans 6:12 Kevin Young, Ben Glover, Seth Mosley / ' 2012 Fairtrade Tunes / Things Left Unsaid Publishing (SESAC), admin by Music Services, 9t One Songs / Ariose Music (ASCAP), 2 Hour Songs / CentricSongs (SESAC). All rights reserved