"In manus tuas . . . alleluia (Responsory)"
by Dominican House of StudiesAlbum: Ave Maria: Dominican Chant for the Immaculate Conc
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Ave Maria: Dominican Chant for the Immaculate Conc
Artist: Dominican House of Studies- Gaudeamus omnes (Officium)
- Kyrie
- Gloria
- Propter veritatem (Responsorium)
- Conceptio gloriosae (Alleluia)
- Credo
- Felix namque (Offertorium)
- Preface
- Sanctus
- Agnus Dei
- Beata viscera (Communio)
- Ite missa est
- Gaudens gaudebo (Officium)
- Benedicta es (Responsorium)
- Tota pulchra es (Alleluia)
- Ave Maria (Offertorium)
- Gloriosa dicta (Communio)
- Te lucis ante terminum (Hymn)
- Virgo Maria (Psalm antiphon)
- In manus tuas . . . alleluia (Responsory)
- Corde et animo, Nunc dimittis (Gospel canticle)
- Salve Regina
- Litany of Loreto
- Inviolata
- O lumen Ecclesiae
- Alma Redemptoris Mater
- Ave Regina caelorum
- Regina caeli
- Sub tuum praesidium
- Recordare Virgo Mater