Blessed ass-urance, Jesus is m-ine
Oh what a f-oretaste, of glory, divine
Heir of salv-ation, purchased of God
Born of His Sp-irit
Washed in His bl-ood
This is my st-ory, this is my s-ong
Praising my S-avi-or, all the day
This is m-y stor-y, this is my s-ong
Praising my S-avi-or, all the day
Perfect subm-ission, all is at r-est
I in my S-avior, am happy and
Watching and w-aiting, looking
Filled with His m-ercy, lost in His love
(Oh Your sweet l-ove)
I'm washed with His blood
(Oh Your sweet l-ove)
Washed with His blood
(Oh Your sweet l-ove)
Washed with His blood
(Oh Your sweet l-ove)
Washed with His blood
(Oh Your sweet l-ove)
Washed with His blood
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