Break the bread of life, O Lord
Break the bread to me
As you broke the bread, O Lord
That day beside the sea
Throughout your word, I seek you Lord
My spirit longs for Thee
So break the bread of life, O Lord
Break the bread to me
Bless your holy Word, O Lord
Bless you word to me
As you blessed the bread, O Lord
That day by Galilee
Then all my chains shall fall away
And I shall find my peace
So bless your holy word, O Lord
Bless your word to me
Bread of life
You are the bread of life
You became flesh, my Righteousness
Jesus, you are
Throughout your word, I seek you Lord
My spirit longs for Thee
So break the bread of life, O Lord
Break the bread to me
Break the bread to me
Break the bread to me