We say His name in every circumstance, / When He gives us life, or takes our last breath / Each and every day, people use His name / To curse the hated, or give Him blame / You can only be sure of this one thing / He's the Lord of all lords and the King of all kings / In our darkest hour, we call His name / When we're on top of the world, we turn Him away / Like water on fire, we put out the flames / Now is the time, we must remember His name / His name's Messiah... we need You now, more than ever before / Messiah... He's on the other side, so open the door / And we will sing until His name, Messiah / From the time we're born, `til the day we die / As a sinner or saint, we live out our lives / All through our lives, our surroundings change / From winter and fall, to summer and spring / You can always be sure of this one thing / He's the Lord of all lords and the King of all kings... / His name means Life, not to curse / He is the Alpha, Omega... the last and the first
![Eden's Ways Album Artwork](http://gracelyrics.com/with/image/albums/10494.png)