This is the process of breaking, this
world is ripe for the taking now
Glory be to God and the rest can get in
We are the kings and princes to a lost
and dying world
We've made our choices, to live and
die by the sword
I will return (My love) I will return
(My beloved)
Nobody gets out alive,
The flowers are dying but I've never
felt so alive
To the winner go the spoils, give me
the greatest prize
That I have ever known, is for you to
call me friend
This world will never break me, no
matter how far I bend
The red hall, red hall, red hall
The red hall, red hall, red hall
You'll never see me coming, like a
thief in the night
Swing low, Sweet Chariot, take me home
Some glad morning when this life is
over, I'll fly away
I'll fly away ( oh Glory) I'll fly
away (in the morning)
We are the kings and princes to a lost
a dying world
We've made our choices, to live and
die by the sword
We are the kings and princes, We are
the kings and princes