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God has blessed you and He will continue to.
![Eternal Mystery / W. split Album Artwork](
Eternal Mystery / W. split
Artist: Eternal Mystery- Once You Have Seen Black
- Then You Will Understand
- Zombie Nation
- Mutilation of Truth
- Peace Love and Intolerance
- Portrait of the Human Heart
- Religious Capitalism
- A Cesspool of Corrupted Thought
- Brain Anesthetic
- Years of Wasted Life
- Mortuary Sunrise
- The Neptune Watchtowers
- Ignore the Silent Whispers
- Ignorant Falsity
- Where Art Thou
- Realities Last Moment
- Cursed and Fallen
- Where Shepherds Mourn
- Caravans to Cold Void Communion
- The Ultimate Reflection
- Four Walls a Straightjacket and a Feeling of Emptiness
- 10 Fingers and One Throat
- No Remorse
- Harvesting
- The Narrator s Last Wish
- V 196 X28001 Grains of Sand Allowed in the Primitiveness of Rational Failings