I'm so glad
To be here
This day has become sacred
I'm trembling with
For all
Of this
Who am I'
Who am I that you have brought me
This far
This far'
Who am I that you have brought me
So far'
All those years
Of spoiled complaining
I said its not enough
And you have
Forgiven me
For everything
And you have given me
It's too much
It's too much
You're too much
You're too much
Who am I'
Who am I that you have brought me
This far
This far'
Who am I that you have brought me
So far'
Who am I'
Who am I that you have brought me
This far
This far'
Who am I that you have brought me
So far'

Memento Mori
Artist: Flyleaf- Beautiful Bride
- Again
- Chasm
- Missing
- This Close
- The Kind
- In The Dark
- Set Apart This Dream
- Swept Away
- Tiny Heart
- Melting Interlude
- Treasure
- Circle
- Arise
- Uncle Bobby Bonus Track
- Break Your Knees Bonus Track
- Enemy Bonus Track
- Have We Lost Bonus Track
- Who Am I Bonus Track
- Stay Bonus Track
- Bittersweet iTunes Bonus Track