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![Paraklitikos kanon eis ton Timion Stavron Album Artwork](
Paraklitikos kanon eis ton Timion Stavron
Artist: Fr. Nikodimos Kabarnos- Evlogitos o Theos/ Kyrie eisakouson
- Theos Kyrios
- To zoiforo nyn stavro
- N' psalmos
- Odi A' (Stavre skiptron Agion)
- Odi G' (O stavros tou despotou)
- Odi D' (O stavros o Panagios)
- Odi E' (Glykanon imon)
- Odi St' (To oplon ton vasileon)
- Diasoson/ Episkepsai
- Kontakion (To ksilon tis zois)
- Evaggelion
- Doksa patri/ Kai nyn
- Stavre pansevasmie/ Soson o Theos ton laon sou
- Kyrie eleison
- Odi Z' (To kratos tou thanatou)
- Odi I' (Tous proskynountas se)/ Odi Th' (In fero soi ek pothou)
- Aksion esti os alithos
- Alala ta heili/ Trisagion
- Soson Kyrie ton lao sou
- Lampson fos aprositon/ Di' efhon