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Album Tracks
Jesus Exalted
Artist: Freshwind Worship- Thank You (Live) [feat. Layne Dodson]
- My Soul Belongs to Jesus (Live) [feat. Mellissa Hardy]
- Jesus Exalted (Live) [feat. Shawny]
- Take Me (Live) [feat. Levi Washington]
- My Heart (Live) [feat. Anita Graham]
- Lord I Worship You (Live) [feat. Andrew Williams]
- Holy Ghost Fire (Live) [feat. Trelette Gomillion Dixion]
- Highest Praise (Live) [feat. June Pace Martin]
- Already Done (Live) [feat. Lafette Richardson, Testamony]
- Over and Over (Live) [feat. Kia Powell]
- My Life in You (Live) [feat. Darriel Brundidge]
- More of You (Live) [feat. Shawny]
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