Well, I'm gonna take a trip in the good ole' gospel ship. I'm going way beyond the sky. You know that I'm gonna shout and sing until the heavens ring. When I bid this old world goodbye. You know that I'm gonna take a trip, in the good ole' gospel ship. I'm going far beyond the sky and I'm gonna shout and sing. until the heavens ring. When I'm bidding this world goodbye.
Bye, bye world. and I can hardly wait. And you know I don't wanna be late. I'm gonna spend all my time, Time in prayer. So that when my ship comes in. I'm gonna leave this world of sin and go sailing through the air.
Well I'm gonna take a trip in the good oled gospel ship. I'm going far beyond the sky. i'm gonna shout and sing until the heavens ring. When I'm bidding this old world goodbye. Bye, bye, bye. Good-bye world.