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Artist: Getayawkal Girmay Hadgo- Fetehen Efelegalehu
- Deseta Laleme
- Marene Geta
- Ye Heyewete Menech
- Amen Amen
- Leman Mekeneyat Hogne Yehon
- Qal Becha Tenager
- Gerum Denk New
- Bemesekel Laye Sesewalen
- Mekerayene Ayeto
- Ayenochin Abera
- Honolegnal
- Keber Neges-Worship
- Keber Keber
- Befekereh Teshenefeyalehu
- Ant Yeheyewet Medagna
- Bametsegnoch Sehetet
- Ejen Ezeregalehu
- Banet New
- Ledet Ledet
- Demun Leni Afeseso
- Egzi Tewagi New
- Endit Alefekut
- Kant Gar Yehun
- Meheretu
- Semu Dene Mekar
- Zemarew Sebakew
- Enima Menalegne
- Eyesus Yetaral
- Ye Deseta Let
- Eyesusen Ymeyawekew Manew A
- Feqadeh Yehunelegne
- Qalun Leko Yefewesenal
- Ye Ledet Ken Semeta
- Eyesusen Yemeyawekew Manew B
- Melkam Endaderekelegne
- Tamagne Arego
- Feker Eyesus New
- Meseker Ehonalehu
- Sel Yesus Lemar
- Getaye Ena Amelake
- Metahugne
- Leni New Yehe Hulu
- Mot Meshageriya (For Man
- Mefetehe Yemegegnew
- Qedus Qedus Qedus
- Delu Ye Getachen New
- Yahewe New Yebelay
- Enenesa Geta Endetenesa
- Tenesa Eyesus Tenesa
- Legna Lemenedenew Gen