Song Lyrics

"Middle Ground"

by Ghoti Hook
Album: Banana Man

Told to sit there on the couch,
Arms crossed, with no idea about what they wanted to tell me that meant so much,
Then it all came out: another thing to think about,
Another twist to keep me down and all confused,
Weary once again.

Walking home from school one day, I'm thinking of how I could be,
Not a part of life, because they'll never be done with all the fights,
Done with taking me into the middle ground,
Quartering me with no success,
Weary once again.

I can't say the slate is clean; in some ways it will never be,
To forget is what I cannot ever do,
I'm left with only one - the other gone, forever saved,
No more reason to blame them; it is all on me,
I relent and go on.

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