Lyrics by Hannah Beck; Music by Hannah Beck
Background Vocals: Rusty Yanok, Hannah Beck
Instrumentals: Rusty Yanok, Travis Laws
Verse 1
We wrestle with the future
We wrestle with the past
We wrestle with not knowing who will get the laugh
We stumble when things hard come our way
We claim to have faith but we don't live it every day
Verse 2
We wonder when our lives will get better than they are
But we never stop to think strength comes when things are hard
We struggle with life's tests but say we're fine when people ask
We're quick to give opinions but we're slow to take them back
Are we really black and white or has it faded into gray
Are we really salt and light or has it all gone away
Are we only Sunday Christians or do we try in the week
To live like the world or are we his hands and feet
Verse 3
We cower away from opportunities to speak
Yet we wonder why our family isn't saved and still in need
We sit in the backgrounds of our churches yet we are a thousand miles away because our thoughts have left our heart
We try to understand, other people's pain
But we can't grasp our home so our help is in vain
I wanna be his hands and feet
Be the salt and light and carry him to the weak
I won't settle for less
I will only be the best
Because with him I'm crucified and in Him I'm alive
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