Song Lyrics
Right now, he awaits at the threshold
Don't let him in!
No, don't let him in!
And though he is dressed like the rest of us,
He has the jackal's eyes!
The jackal's eyes!
Oh, the immortal is coming
And with him comes the strom
Black smoke fills the air
With anger as black as the cellars of hell!
He wears your shame
Like a cloak made for kings
They will come
Like parasites swarming in
Dressed in lies of normalcy
To appease the death of innocence
And] it's growing appetite
Abandon all hope!
Abandon all hope!
Parasites swaeming in
Dressed in lies of normalcy
To appease the death of innocence
And it's growing appetite
Comments / Requests
Album Artwork

Album Tracks
Attack of the Wolf King (Special Edition)
Artist: Haste The Day- Wake Up The Son
- Dog Like Vultures
- The Quiet Deadly Ticking
- Travesty
- Merit For Sadness
- The Un Manifest
- The Place Where Most Deny
- White As Snow
- Crush Resistance
- Walk With A Crooked Spine
- My Name Is Darkness
- Meet Me Halfway Black Eyed Peas cover
- Blue 42 Live in Auckland New Zealand
- Pressure The Hinges Live in Capetown South Africa
- Special Edition Trailer Not On Album
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