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Album: The Westminster Shorter Catechism Songs, Volume 1
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"How doth Christ execute the office of a priest?"
by Holly DuttonAlbum: The Westminster Shorter Catechism Songs, Volume 1
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The Westminster Shorter Catechism Songs, Volume 1
Artist: Holly Dutton- What is the chief end of man?
- What rule hath God given...
- What do the scriptures...
- What is God?
- Are there more Gods than one?
- How many persons are there...
- What are the decrees of God?
- How doth God execute his decrees?
- What is the work of creation?
- How did God create man?
- What are the works of God
- What are the works of God's providence?
- What special act of providence...
- Did our first parents continue...
- What is sin?
- What was the sin...
- Did all mankind fall...
- Into what estate did the fall...
- Wherein consists the sinfulness...
- What is the misery of that estate...
- Did God leave all mankind to perish...
- Who is the Redeemer of God
- How did Christ, being the Son of God...
- What offices doth Christ execute...
- How doth Christ execute the office of a prophet?
- How doth Christ execute the office of a priest?
- How doth Christ execute the office of a king?
- Wherein did Christ
- Wherein consisteth Christ
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