"The Cherubic Hymn"
by Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary ChoirAlbum: Let Us Sing of John, The Hierarch of Christ
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Let Us Sing of John, The Hierarch of Christ
Artist: Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary Choir- Bless The Lord, O My Soul (Melody of the St. Michael Hermitage)
- The Great Litany
- Lord, I Have Cried, Tone 6 (Kievan Chant)
- Who Doth Not Call Thee Blessed, O All-Holy Virgin (Znameny Chant)
- O Gentle Light
- Troparion to St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, Tone 5 (Kievan Chant)
- Praise Ye the Name of the Lord
- Magnification to St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco (Znameny Chant)
- Sessional Hymn to St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco (Melody of the Kiev-Caves Monastery)
- Irmoi of the Canon of the Theotokos (1, 5, 8, 9)
- The Great Doxology (Melody of the Kiev-Caves Monastery)
- Another Troparion to St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco (Melody of the Kiev-Caves Monastery)
- The Cherubic Hymn
- It Is Truly Meet (Serbian Melody)
- Our Father (Regular Chant)
- My Soul, O My Soul (Melody of the Kiev)
- Stichera On Palm Sunday (Melody of the Zosima Hermitage)
- The Tri-Ode Canon of Holy Wednesday (3,8,9) [Melody of the Kiev-Caves Monastery]
- The Tri-Ode Canon of Holy Friday (5, 8, 9)
- The Good Thief (Melody of the Kiev-Caves Monastery)