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Video Game Covers, Vol. 1
Artist: Husky by the Geek- Opening Stage (From "Mega Man X2")
- Opening Stage (From
- Torn from the Heavens / Ultima (From "Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn")
- Big Blue (From
- Garuda - Fallen Angel (From "Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn")
- Cornered (From
- Big Blue (From "F-Zero")
- I Am the Doctor (From
- Leviathan - Through the Maelstrom (From "Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn")
- Icecap Zone (From
- Cornered (From "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney")
- Trainer Battle Theme / Gym Leader Theme (From
- I Am the Doctor (From "Doctor Who")
- The Man with the Machine Gun (From
- Dungeon Boss - Nemesis (From "Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn")
- Song of Storms (From
- Icecap Zone (From "Sonic 3")
- Star Wars Medley: The Force Theme / Duel of the Fates / The Imperial March (From
- Trainer Battle Theme / Gym Leader Theme (From "Pokemon: Red, Blue and Yellow")
- Battle on the Big Bridge (From
- The Man with the Machine Gun (From "Final Fantasy VIII")
- Mt Gagazet - Servants of the Mountain (From
- Song of Storms (From "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time")
- Kingdom Hearts Medley: Vector to the Heavens / Dearly Beloved / L
- Titan - Under the Weight (From "Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn")
- Login Theme - Legends of Azeroth (From
- Star Wars Medley: The Force Theme / Duel of the Fates / The Imperial March (From "Star Wars")
- Cannon Ball (From
- Battle on the Big Bridge (From "Final Fantasy V")
- Mt Gagazet - Servants of the Mountain (From "Final Fantasy X")
- Ramuh - Thunder Rolls (From "Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn")
- Kingdom Hearts Medley: Vector to the Heavens / Dearly Beloved / L'Impeto Oscuro / Darkness of the Un
- Login Theme - Legends of Azeroth (From "World of Warcraft")
- Fate Boss - Hard to Miss (From "Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn")
- Cannon Ball (From "Megaman Zero 3")