In the times I'm afraid I will wait on your aid,
Rescue me,
Put my tears in a bottle and keep them for angels to see,
I am lost among lions; they stand bleeding paws from the kill,
The you say that you'll be there for me,
I can know that you will,
...And your name is the great I Am.
What is a man that you'd stand with your arms opened wide, forming a bridge whereby we can cross the great divide'
And you thought it not robbery to offer your life up for me,
How could words ever frame any praise that is worth of thee'
...And your name is the great I Am.
...And your name is the great I Am.
Just a little while longer and we shall see him face to face, when he comes back to sweep up his bride in a loving embrace.
And we'll gladly lay down all the crowns that amount to our lives,
And he'll dry all out tears and we'll finally know love: his eyes.
...And his name is the great I Am.
...And your name is the great I Am.
...And we sang, "Behold the lamb, behold the lamb," yeah.