"The Priesthood Is Restored"
by Janice Kapp Perry, Steven Kapp PerryAlbum: The Army of Helaman: Ultimate Missionary Collectio
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The Army of Helaman: Ultimate Missionary Collectio
Artist: Janice Kapp Perry, Steven Kapp Perry- And Whoso Receiveth You
- A Newness of Life
- Army of Helaman
- A Testament of Jesus
- A Time to Share
- A Young Boy Prayed
- As You Are Called to Serve
- Ask and It Shall Be Given
- Born of Water, Born of Spirit
- Brotherhood
- E F Y Medley: As Sisters in Zion / We
- Ever in His Debt
- Go Ye Therefore
- Here Am I, Send Me
- Here By the Water so Clear
- He Will Make Mighty His Sons
- How Does a Servant Show His Love
- How Can I Thank Thee
- How Great Shall Be Your Joy
- I Love the Book of Mormon
- In the Hollow of Thy Hand
- Joseph Smith the Prophet
- Love One Another
- Missionary
- My Friend, My Brother
- My Willing Heart
- One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
- On the Lord
- The Priesthood Is Restored
- Song of Homecoming
- The Still, Small Voice
- There Is a Place
- This I Believe
- Thou Art My King
- To Every Nation
- To Know Joseph
- To Share the Love
- Two By Two
- Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant
- When You Know