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Psalms In Harmony
Artist: Jason Coghill- Good unto all men (145:9-15) Communion
- In beautiful and holy robes (96:9-13) Diadem
- Before thee let my cry (119:169-176) Russia
- O come let us sing (95:1-6) Bon Accord
- Ye gates lift up (24:7-10) New Lydia
- God is our refuge (46:1-7) Kedron
- Praise Ye The Lord (147:1-11) Thanksgiving
- Thee will I praise (138:1-5) Arnold
- In Judah\
- Lord In Thy Wrath (6) Soldau
- God\
- I joy\
- O Lord Thy Judgments (72:1-8) St. Lawrence
- All people that on earth (100) Old 100th
- All you righteous (33:1-11) John Grosser
- O God in praise (144:9-11) Lennox
- From heav\
- In all the earth (80) Torwood
- To this my prayer (102:1-12) Baca
- O sing a new song (98) Desert
- My heart inditing is (45:1-6) Louisville
- The spacious heavens declare (19:1-6)Clarksville
- O shout for joy (100) Glasgow
- I to the hills (121) Abbyville
- Lo I do stretch my hands (143:1-8) Leuchars
- How shall a young man (119:9-16) Holley
- The man who once has found (91:1-4) Woodworth
- O God according to thy grace (51:1-7) St. Kilda
- Blessed is each one (128) Gabriel
- But like the palm tree (92:12-15) Orlington
- The Trees Of The Lord (104:16-26) Ashgrove