Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2009 Tyler Somers (BMI), Jennifer Somers (BMI), One Eyed Cat Music (BMI)
springtime fools the trees into thinking their leaves will never fall
summer tells the lakes they'll never freeze and get walked on
fall calls out the springtime's lies as green leaves fade to brown
bitter and chilling the winter brings millions of snowflakes to the ground
on down from the clouds
passing seasons, oh so fleeting, we're no different we're no different
this isn't a dream, like it seems,
i believe i was born last night and i'll die tomorrow morning
(never, never, never holding time)
got today, but that'll change, go away
i was born last night and i'll die tomorrow morning
signs of times that pass us by faster than we think we want
show so clearly in the wrinkles from smiles now long gone
we're watching and waiting this world is just fading, its sights slip from our grasp
meanwhile we're hoping and groaning for something exciting to come and last
never going to pass.
passing seasons, oh so fleeting, we're no different we're no different
this isn't a dream, like it seems,
i believe i was born last night and i'll die tomorrow morning
(never, never, never holding time)
got today, but that'll change, go away
i was born last night and i'll die tomorrow morning
passing seasons, oh so fleeting
this isn't a dream, like it seems,
tomorrow i will surely die
got today, but that'll change,
tomorrow i will surely die
this isn't a dream, like it seems,
i believe i was born last night and i'll die tomorrow morning
(never, never, never holding time)
got today, but that'll change, go away
i was born last night and i'll die tomorrow morning