When p-eace like a r-iver at-endeth my way
When s-orrows like s-ea billows r-oll
What-ever my lot
Thou hast t-aught me to say
It is well
It is w-ell with, my s-oul
It is w-ell
With my s-oul (with my soul)
It is well
It is w-ell with, my s-oul
My sin
Oh the bliss, of this gl-orious thought
My s-in not in p-art, but the wh-ole
Is n-ailed to the cross
And I b-ear it no more
Praise the Lord
Praise the L-ord oh my s-oul
Lord, haste the d-ay when the f-aith shall be sight
The cl-ouds be rolled b-ack, as a
The tr-ump shall resound
And the L-ord shall descend
Even so, it is w-ell with, my s-oul