Wh-en I surv-ey th-e w-ondr-ous
O-n which the Pr-ince o-f Gl-ory died
M-y richest g-ain I-I c-ount b-ut l-oss
A-nd pour cont-empt on a-ll m-y
S-ee from His head, H-is hands, h-is feet
S-orrow and love, fl-ow m-ingled down
D-id e-v'r such, love and s-orr-ow meet
O-r thorns compose, s-o rich a cr-own
Oh the w-onderful cross
Oh the w-onderful cross
Bids me come and die
And find that I, may truly l-ive
Oh the w-onderful cross
Oh the w-onderful cross
All who gather here, by grace draw near
And bless Your n-ame
Were th-e whole realm, o-f n-ature mine
Th-at were an o-ffering f-ar t-oo
Love, so am-azing so, div-ine
D-emands my soul, my, l-ife my a-ll
Love, so am-azing so, div-ine
D-emands my soul, m-y life, m-y a-ll