"Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning (Morning Star) [Instrumental Version]"
by John KeysAlbum: Devotional Hymns, Vol. 1 (Organ Accompaniments)
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Devotional Hymns, Vol. 1 (Organ Accompaniments)
Artist: John Keys- Wake, Awake for Night Is Flying (Sleepers Wake) [Instrumental Version]
- Creator of the Starry Height (Conditor Alme) [Instrumental Version]
- O Word That Goest Forth On High (Verbum Supernum) [Instrumental Version]
- I Know a Rose Tree Springing (Rosa Mystica) [Instrumental Version]
- Of the Father's Love Begotten (Divinum Mysterium) [Instrumental Version]
- O Most Mighty O Most Holy (Steiner) [Instrumental Version]
- Joy to the World (Antioch) [Instrumental Version]
- Silent Night (Holy Night) [Instrumental Version]
- What Child Is This Who Laid to Rest (Greensleeves) [Instrumental Version]
- Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning (Morning Star) [Instrumental Version]
- What Star Is This With Beams So Bright (Puer Nobis) [Instrumental Version]
- Hail to the Lord's Anointed (Woodbird) [Instrumental Version]
- Alleluia Song of Gladness (Dulce Carmen) [Instrumental Version]
- Weary of Earth and Laden With My Sin (Langran) [Instrumental Version]
- Sing My Tongue the Glorious Battle (Pange Lingua) [Instrumental Version]
- At the Cross Her Station Keeping (Mainz) [Instrumental Version]
- Saviour When in Dust to Thee (Spanish Chant) [Instrumental Version]
- O Jesus Crucified for Man (Intercession) [Instrumental Version]
- In the Hour of Trial (Penitence) [Instrumental Version]
- In the Cross of Christ I Glory (Rathbun) [Instrumental Version]
- Beneath the Cross of Jesus (St Christopher) [Instrumental Version]
- Jesus Lover of My Soul (Aberystwyth) [Instrumental Version]
- Lead Kindly Light (Lux Benigna) [Instrumental Version]
- Jesus My Lord My God My All (St Chrysostom) [Instrumental Version]