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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Remembrance Hymns Accompaniments
Artist: John Keys- Last Post and Reveille (Trumpet)
- Last Post and Reveille, 1 Minute Silence (Trumpet)
- Last Post and Reveille, 2 Minute Silence (Trumpet)
- God Save the Queen (Instrumental Version)
- Advance Australia Fair (Instrumental Version)
- O Canada! (Instrumental Version)
- God Defend New Zealand (Instrumental Version)
- The Star-Spangled Banner (Instrumental Version)
- All My Hope On God Is Founded, Michael (Instrumental Version)
- All People That On Earth Do Dwell, Old 100th (Instrumental Version)
- And Did Those Feet, Jerusalem (Instrumental Version)
- Blest Are the Pure in Heart, Franconia (Instrumental Version)
- Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation, Westminster Abbey (Instrumental Version)
- Eternal Father Strong to Save, Melita (Instrumental Version)
- For the Healing of the Nations, Alleluia Dulce Carmen (Instrumental Version)
- I Vow to Thee My Country, Thaxted (Instrumental Version)
- Judge Eternal Throned in Splendour, Rhuddlan (Instrumental Version)
- Lead Us Heavenly Father Lead Us, Mannheim (Instrumental Version)
- Lord of the Worlds, Crofts 136th (Instrumental Version)
- Now Thank We All Our God, Nun Danket (Instrumental Version)
- O God Our Help in Ages Past, St Anne (Instrumental Version)
- Onward Christian Soldiers, St Gertrude (Instrumental Version)
- O Valiant Hearts, the Supreme Sacrifice (Instrumental Version)
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, Lobe Den Herren (Instrumental Version)
- Son of God, Eternal Saviour, Everton (Instrumental Version)
- The Lord
- Thine Be the Glory, MacCabaeus (Instrumental Version)
- Thy Kingdom Come, O God, St Cecilia (Instrumental Version)
- God Save the Queen With Fanfare (Instrumental Version)