"Love's Redeeming Work Is Done (Savannah) [Instrumental Version]"
by John KeysAlbum: Easter Hymns, Vol. 2 (Organ Accompaniments)
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![Easter Hymns, Vol. 2 (Organ Accompaniments) Album Artwork](http://gracelyrics.com/with/image/albums/183561.png)
Easter Hymns, Vol. 2 (Organ Accompaniments)
Artist: John Keys- He Is Lord (He Is Lord) [Instrumental Version]
- He Was Pierced (Dawn) [Instrumental Version]
- Holy Jesu By Thy Passion (Holy Jesu) [Instrumental Version]
- It Is a Thing Most Wonderful (Brookfield) [Instrumental Version]
- It Is a Thing Most Wonderful (Herongate) [Instrumental Version]
- Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (Easter Hymn) [Instrumental Version]
- Jesus Lives Thy Terrors Now (St Albinus) [Instrumental Version]
- Jesus Prince and Saviour (St Gertrude) [Instrumental Version]
- Love's Redeeming Work Is Done (Savannah) [Instrumental Version]
- Meekness and Majesty (Meekness and Majesty) [Instrumental Version]
- My Lord Loves Me (English Tune) [Instrumental Version]
- My Song Is Love Unknown (Love Unknown) [Instrumental Version]
- Now the Green Blade Riseth (Noel Nouvelet) [Instrumental Version]
- On a Hill Far Away (The Old Rugged Cross) [Instrumental Version]
- On This Day the First of Days (Lubeck) [Instrumental Version]
- O Sacred Head Once Wounded (Passion Chorale) [Instrumental Version]
- Ride On in Majesty (Winchester New) [Instrumental Version]
- Sing My Tongue the Glorious Battle (Pange Lingua) [Instrumental Version]
- Such Love (Such Love) [Instrumental Version]
- Take Up Thy Cross (Breslau) [Instrumental Version]