Album Tracks
Methodist Hymns Organ Accompaniments, Vol. 3
Artist: John Keys
  1. A Safe Stronghold Our God Is Still (Ein Feste Burg) (Instrumental Version)
  2. Calm Me Lord As You Calmed the Storm (Calm Me Lord) (Instrumental Version)
  3. Deep in the Darkness a Starlight Is Gleaming (Deep in the Darkness) (Instrumental Version)
  4. Even Though I Walk Through the Valley (The Valley) (Instrumental Version)
  5. Everyone Needs Compassion (Everyone Needs Compassion) (Instrumental Version)
  6. Faithful One, So Unchanging (Faithful One) (Instrumental Version)
  7. God of My Faith I Offer You My Doubt (Anima Christi) (Instrumental Version)
  8. How Long O Lord Will You Forget? (How Long) (Instrumental Version)
  9. I Lift My Eyes Up to the Mountains (I Lift My Eyes) (Instrumental Version)
  10. I
  11. My Soul Finds Rest in God Alone (Rest in God) (Instrumental Version)
  12. Fight the Good Fight With All Your Might (Duke Street) (Instrumental Version)
  13. My Troubled Soul Why So Weighed Down? (Troubled Soul) (Instrumental Version)
  14. O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go (St Margaret) (Instrumental Version)
  15. Soldiers of Christ Arise (From Strength to Strength) (Instrumental Version)
  16. Through All the Changing Scenes of Life (Wiltshire) (Instrumental Version)
  17. Through the Love of God Our Saviour (Ar Hyd y Nos) (Instrumental Version)
  18. We Turn to God When We Are Sorely Pressed (The Cost of Discipleship) (Instrumental Version)
  19. When Circumstances Make My Life (Martyrdom, Fenwick) (Instrumental Version)
  20. When I
  21. When O God Our Faith Is Tested (Fortunatus New) (Instrumental Version)
  22. When Our Confidence Is Shaken (New Malden, McCarthy) (Instrumental Version)
  23. Will Your Anchor Hold in the Storms of Life (Will Your Anchor Hold) (Instrumental Version)
Song Lyrics

"When O God Our Faith Is Tested (Fortunatus New) (Instrumental Version)"

by John Keys
Album: Methodist Hymns Organ Accompaniments, Vol. 3

Lyrics is not yet available.

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Album Artwork
Album Tracks
Methodist Hymns Organ Accompaniments, Vol. 3
Artist: John Keys
  1. A Safe Stronghold Our God Is Still (Ein Feste Burg) (Instrumental Version)
  2. Calm Me Lord As You Calmed the Storm (Calm Me Lord) (Instrumental Version)
  3. Deep in the Darkness a Starlight Is Gleaming (Deep in the Darkness) (Instrumental Version)
  4. Even Though I Walk Through the Valley (The Valley) (Instrumental Version)
  5. Everyone Needs Compassion (Everyone Needs Compassion) (Instrumental Version)
  6. Faithful One, So Unchanging (Faithful One) (Instrumental Version)
  7. God of My Faith I Offer You My Doubt (Anima Christi) (Instrumental Version)
  8. How Long O Lord Will You Forget? (How Long) (Instrumental Version)
  9. I Lift My Eyes Up to the Mountains (I Lift My Eyes) (Instrumental Version)
  10. I
  11. My Soul Finds Rest in God Alone (Rest in God) (Instrumental Version)
  12. Fight the Good Fight With All Your Might (Duke Street) (Instrumental Version)
  13. My Troubled Soul Why So Weighed Down? (Troubled Soul) (Instrumental Version)
  14. O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go (St Margaret) (Instrumental Version)
  15. Soldiers of Christ Arise (From Strength to Strength) (Instrumental Version)
  16. Through All the Changing Scenes of Life (Wiltshire) (Instrumental Version)
  17. Through the Love of God Our Saviour (Ar Hyd y Nos) (Instrumental Version)
  18. We Turn to God When We Are Sorely Pressed (The Cost of Discipleship) (Instrumental Version)
  19. When Circumstances Make My Life (Martyrdom, Fenwick) (Instrumental Version)
  20. When I
  21. When O God Our Faith Is Tested (Fortunatus New) (Instrumental Version)
  22. When Our Confidence Is Shaken (New Malden, McCarthy) (Instrumental Version)
  23. Will Your Anchor Hold in the Storms of Life (Will Your Anchor Hold) (Instrumental Version)
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