hey wooden whistle man/whittles wooden whistles for the kids/futures short on time to give/strikes up a
conversation/hey wooden whistle man/eager to share his opinion/licks his finger spits in the wind/point
me in the right direction/hey wooden whistle man/whittles wooden whistles in his garden/safe place to
escape/falls in love all over again/hey wooden whistle man/brand new suit jacket and pants/whistles at
the women in style/dressed for success and romance/i bought your slacks for a quarter at a thrift store
down the street/put a patch on the knee called it my steez/tonight we make history/mic check one two
take me back/whistle man songs from the past/mom smiles children laugh/we take notes for future
scraps/la di da, la da di da/hanging on/nostalgia keeps you from/old age yesterday/walk away when the
feeling's gone/hey wooden whistle man/sees the son he abandoned/i'm willing to listen even if i'm not
him/whistle why you work it out abstract summary/flash back scrap book photo shopping
memories/lullabies till we loose our mind/got old one song at a time/world changed one song at a
time/album died one song at a time/nothing's beautiful anymore/sings out his favorite show tune/tonight
something classical is brand new/