Children go where I send thee: how shall I send thee'
Well, I'm gonna send thee one by one
One for the little bitty baby
Who was born, born, born in Bethlehem
Said he was born, born, born in Bethlehem
Children go where I send thee: how shall I send thee'
Hey, I'm gonna send thee two by two
Two for Paul and Silas
One for the itty bitty baby
Who was born, born, born in Bethlehem.
Children go where I send thee: how shall I send thee'
I'm gonna send the:
Three by three, three for the Hebrew children
Four by four, four for the four that stood at the door
Five by five, five for the five that stayed alive
Six by six, six for the six that never got fixed
Seven by seven, seven for the seven who never got to heaven
Eight by eight, eight for the eight that stood at the gate
Nine by nine, nine for the nine that dressed so fine
Ten by ten, ten for the ten commandments
He was born, born, born in Bethlehem.

Cash: Ultimate Gospel
Artist: Johnny Cash- Here Was A Man live
- The Preacher Said Jesus Said
- I Was There When It Happened
- Belshazzar
- That s Enough
- It Was Jesus
- The Old Account
- Swing Low Sweet Chariot
- The Great Speckled Bird
- He ll Understand And Say Well Done
- How Great Thou Art
- It Is No Secret What God Can Do
- He Turned Water Into Wine
- Were You There When They Crucified My Lord
- Troublesome Waters
- There ll Be Peace In The Valley For Me
- When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
- In The Sweet By And By
- My Ship Will Sail
- Far Side Banks of Jordan
- Oh Come Angel Band
- Amazing Grace
- Daddy Sang Bass
- Children Go Where I Send Thee