Draw, print a plane, a singular mark of ideals
Numbers to be explained by a course history
Hindrance to give a thought, lest perceived relative
Studies result in revolt, but who holds...
The blueprints for joy
Blueprints for joy
Sums to be swayed by rule pending percentages
Complete the model scientists' appropriate age
What are the methods used to begin measurements'
Somehow I've lost a foothold, but who draws...
Yardsticks to yield the basis for thoughtless ideals
Outline the words in red ink, or parentheses
Having a lot depends upon humility
The buttons of valor blink while in past tense

The Tick Tock Treasury
Artist: Joy Electric- The Tick Tock Treaury
- Misfortune s Apprentice
- Play Each Note By Metronome
- Such As It Was
- Saint Glockenspiel s Science Faire
- The Chronometers Of Switzerland
- I Am Made From the Wires
- J E Picturephone Reflect You I Connect You
- The Confectionary
- Design The Blueprints For Joy
- C Minor Miners
- Tick Tock Goes The Melody