Song Lyrics
Please help me I'm here
Tell me there's some way out
Tell me there's somewhere out of here
You've given me none such Hope
I'll never amount to anything
Here, I've gone to waste
all my Hope and younger days
Please help me I'm here
Tell me there's some way out
Tell me there's somewhere out of here
I speak but you never hear
I'll never amount to anything
Will you ever hear my heart'
Will you ever care enough'
Will you ever care at all'
Probably not
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Album Artwork

Album Tracks
Artist: Joy Electric- Candy Cane Carriage
- Drum Machine Joy - Melody Album Version
- The Electric Joy Toy Company
- Sweet Sweet Charity
- The Girl from Rosewood Lane
- Analogue Grand Diary
- In Love in Midsummer
- Life Guardian Twenty
- Of Stories and Love
- Sweet, Sweet Charity
- Analog Grand Diary
- The Melody Book
- Drum Machine Joy
- Melody Book
- Never Be a Star
- Happiness and Life
- Old At This Young
- Lily Pad The Forest
- Buttercup Fairy Jamboree
- Bee Hoping
- Lilly Pad The Forest Our Home
- Every Boy and Girl Falls in Love
- The Dark Ages
- Old at this Youth
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