"Bawo Ndixolele (Live)"
by Joyous CelebrationAlbum: Joyous Celebration 20 - Part 2: The Alumni (Live)
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If you have the correct lyrics, please email it to us at gracelyrics@imbeloved.com. We will do our best to add the lyrics you have submitted at the soonest time possible. Thank you.
God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Joyous Celebration 20 - Part 2: The Alumni (Live)
Artist: Joyous Celebration- Your Grace (Live)
- Siliwelile (Live)
- Elethu Basha/Ivangeli Elakudala (Live)
- Mthembe Njalo (Live)
- Bayede (Live)
- Keep the Faith (Live)
- Ungenzela Konk'okuhle (Live)
- My Deliverer (Live)
- Siyazithoba (Live)
- Reneilwe Matla (Live)
- Indesheni (Live)
- Phindukhulume (Live)
- Noyana (Live)
- Bawo Ndixolele (Live)
- Tshohle (Live)
- Iyo Calvari (Live)
- I Will Lift Mine Eyes (Live)
- Lift Up Mine Eyes (Live)
- Namhla Nkosi (Live)
- Ziyosulwa (Live)
- Vrou van Samaria (Live)
- I Press (Live)
- Asikho Isikhali (Live)
- Who Am I (Live)