Have faith have hope have love I've found the greatest of these
I remember when my heart was stone be he changed it in to one that beats
I find myself searching for you always and in everything you're kind
I never thought a love like this would be so easy to find
But He caught me.
Right before i hit the ground
Now He lifts me
I find such beauty in the sound of His name
I see it more and more each day
That my God is greater than everything
Each morning He wakes me and brings me the light in
Then lets the moon rise
when i am weary and my heart needs rest
I don't need to look far to find Him
When my heart beats in my chest
I feel his love, his love, his love
He caught me
Right before i hit the ground
Now He lifts me
I find such beauty in the sound of His name
I don't need to look far to find Him
When my heart beats in my chest I feel His love
His Love
His Love
He caught me
Right before I hit the ground
Now He lifts me
I find such beauty in the sound of His name
Jesus, The sound of his name, Jesus
' Copyright 2012 Katie Ainge